95-Yr-Old Becomes Kingston University’s Oldest Graduate Ever — Now He’s Considering Another Doctorate!

If you need a reminder that it’s not about when, it’s about if… this sweet story is sure to be some inspiration. Dr. David Marjot just received his doctorate degree from Kingston University. He’s the school’s oldest graduate of all time.

He received his diploma at age 95 from Kingston University. The Kingston staff is so proud to award him his Masters in European Philosophy.

Prior to his arrival at Kingston, though, Dr. David was already a college graduete  . In fact, he had a long career and had already earned a doctorate.

He returned to school after his wife passed in an effort to keep his mind sharp, and now he’s considering continuing his studies.

What an incredible inspiration!

kingston university oldest graduate

He’s proud to be the oldest graduate of Kingston University and he’s a major advocate for continuing education.


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