Shelby Skiles couldn’t sleep at Children’s Medical Center Dallas with her 2-year-old daughter, so she began writing one night.
Since May, Skiles, 28, has been at the hospital almost every night after finding out that her only child, Sophie, has a severe form of T-cell lymphoma.
Sophie’s therapy has involved meeting numerous nurses, as estimated by Skiles and her husband Jonathan.
The young child had 15 sessions of chemotherapy to help stop the cancer from spreading. He is currently preparing for a stem cell transplant.
Due to the intense chemotherapy, Sophie couldn’t walk, talk, or eat by herself.
Skiles remembered the evening earlier this month when she began writing: “It was around 3 a.m. and I was on that uncomfortable hospital room couch, unable to fall asleep.”
I simply started documenting the work performed by the nurses, and it never ceased.
The list included more than just regular checkups.
Skiles mentioned all the things I see people do for us and for others, such as the nurse who sat on the floor with me during a panic attack after we got the diagnosis.
Sophie and her family created a Facebook page called “Sophie the Brave” to express gratitude to the nurses.
She remarked, “I observe you carrying armfuls of medicine and supplies into one child’s room while your phone buzzes in your pocket from another child’s room.” “I notice you wearing gloves and a mask, and you try to be quiet at night. I imagine you gently patting her small bald head and carefully wrapping her in blankets.”
More than 25,000 individuals have already shared the article.
Skiles thought, “I’ll share this on Sophie’s page to raise awareness about the work nurses do at a children’s hospital, especially when caring for sick children.”
She went on, “I’m completely shocked by the level of attention it has received.”

Sophie’s caregivers at Children’s Medical Center Dallas also saw the post.
Susan McCollom, the clinical manager at the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, expressed her deep gratitude for Sophie’s actions, saying, “I am truly thankful that she did it.”
One worker mentioned that our job is very demanding emotionally, physically, and mentally, and it really captures the essence of why we do it and how it’s more than just a job.
I’m extremely proud of my team, but I’m not surprised, she added, because I know that’s their daily routine.
Skiles said Sophie will probably remain at the Dallas hospital until the end of January, then she will move to a nearby residence.
After the stem cell transplant, Sophie must keep going to therapy and stay near the hospital for regular checkups.
Skiles expressed her admiration for the nurses she has encountered, stating, “It’s truly incredible to witness individuals who selflessly prioritize the well-being of children in need.” Additionally, they also provide support to the parents.
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