If you look in your wallet right now, chances are you’d find at least one $1 bill. You probably don’t think much about your $1 bills. After all, it’s not like $1 can even get you anything these days. However, you might want to take a closer look at the $1 bills you have lying around — if they have a certain serial number stamped on them, they could be worth a lot more than a single dollar.

7 repeating digits in a row on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 09999999, 18888888, 19999999, etc.)
7 of a kind on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 00010000, 00090000, 90999999, etc.)
Super radars on $1 Federal Reserve Notes (e,g,, 01111110, 10000001, 80000008, etc.)
Super repeaters on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 67676767)
Double quads on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 11110000, 44440000, 88880000, etc.)

And that’s not all! Check out the site’s Want List to see what other serial numbers they’re on the hunt for.
Isn’t it incredible how something as seemingly inconsequential as a crumpled $1 bill could actually make you a ton of cash? Check your wallets, people! Today might just be your lucky day.
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