Wonders on Wheels and Their Shadows, Dancing to Celine Dion is Beautiful

Ballet is such a beautiful art; ballerinas are looked up to by any little girl. Such precision and grace, and being able to tell a story through dance. Today’s video is of something beautiful – a performance by the Wonders on Wheels Team and their Shadows.

Who are they, you ask? Based in Cincinnati, Oh, Revere Dance Studio has an impressive repertoire of dance that they instruct. Their performances are well known in their community, and they have students of all ages.

They don’t just teach all ages – but all abilities. The Revere Dance Studio has a team of dancers called the Wonders on Wheels Team and their Shadows. Much of this team of outstanding dancers, aged between the ages of 6-27, are in wheelchairs. The Wonders wear white; their shadows wear black.

The song begins with several leotard-clad girls taking center stage. Another one, in a white dress, sits in a wheelchair. It’s all carefully controlled, and the girl in the wheelchair is having a blast, doing her part of the dance to perfection. The audience is enjoying it. Then it gets even better.

It’s obvious that this dance troupe worked on this routine for a long time. Their handling of the wheelchairs is flawless, and their dance partners are excellent too. They deserved all the applause that they got at the end. Here’s hoping that they do more like this over the years.


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