Mother nature is always beautiful and fascinating. But also behind this beauty and wonders always it’s hiding the other dangerous and deadly side. Tsunami, volcanoes, and earthquakes are supposed the most menacing disaster on earth.

As well as being unsafe to humans, these Natural phenomena pose a danger to our planet where we live.

Captured by Phil McNamara on August 29th, 2014 the video below shows up one of the biggest volcanoes in the world which are located In New Guinea’s Tavurvur Mountain…
While he was filming the clear sky and the wonders of the ocean a terrible thing happened Insight…Just watch the Video Below!
Boom goes the volcano!!! Wait for the SHOCK!!!
“It is so rare to have a great camera person like this, who holds it steady on the target instead of panning all over the place and jiggling the camera. That way we can really appreciate it.” Source: Youtube/Abyssius
Don’t Forget to Share this amazing video with your friends and family…
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