Julia’s life fell apart when her husband Tom was told he had cancer. Unfortunately, the news was not good and he passed away just two months later.
Even though she was heartbroken, Julia knew she had to be strong for her young son Rob who was really sad about losing his dad.
As time went on, the sadness only got worse. But then, Tom’s brother Mike came into Julia and Rob’s lives. Julia realized that Mike had feelings for her since they were kids, but she chose Tom and never looked back.
Mike being around started to feel nice so Julia decided to marry him and give Rob a father figure.
Mike and Rob began to like each other a lot. After all, Mike was Rob’s uncle now as well as his mom’s husband.
Julia worked hard, and whenever she got home, Mike would share stories about how he and Rob had an awesome day hiking or going to the park or doing other fun things together.

But one day when Julia came home, it was unusually quiet. She felt something wasn’t right when Mike hugged her tightly & said that Rob had left a letter behind.
In the letter from then 15-year-old Rob it said:
Dear Mom & Dad,
I’ve made up my mind to leave because I thought it would be better for everyone if I wasn’t here bringing more bad memories & sadness. Please know this isn’t because of anything you did but a choice I felt I needed to make for peace at home. I promise I’ll take care of myself & hope you can forgive me someday. Remember that I love you both; this is the hardest decision I’ve ever made.
Take care.

Julia & Mike thought about different ways to start fresh so they bought an old house two states away from their previous home which they gave up to Julia’s sister Schuyler. The idea of someone outside their family owning their old house bothered Julia a lot! With this move she slowly drifted away from her side of the family until one day Schuyler showed up at her door looking nervous saying they needed to talk.
At that moment Julia was ironing shirts for Mike’s business trip but Schuyler insisted she stop everything & check on Mike’s glasses case!
When Julia opened it up there was a phone inside! Her sister explained it belonged to Mike who used it secretly every month just checking in on Rob making sure he wasn’t coming back home!
It turned out that Mike convinced poor Rob his mom would be happier without him around sending him off with an aunt from his dad’s side.
Schuyler found out after getting an invitation addressed directly at Julia! It turned out that despite what mike told him about how his mom didn’t want him in her life anymore; rob still wanted julia there on his wedding day!
Schuyler managed contacting rob through sender info on wedding invite learning mike kept in touch with rob without julia knowing for over ten years!
“Look how much your mom has too work,” mike would tell rob “Wouldn’t it be better if she spent money on herself instead? Wouldn’t you like freeing your mother from having you?” He suggested leaving which made poor kid think there wasn’t room left in julia’s life!

Using burner phone julia reached out explaining everything saying she’d never stopped searching for him!
Eventually julia divorced mike sold their shared property buying another place next door robs new house attending wedding becoming grandma now too!
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